How to order shipping by rail

  1. Unregistered user
  2. Registration
  3. Login to the system
  4. Wagons
  5. Inquiry
  6. Offers
  7. Orders
  8. Payments
  9. How the wagon rental system works (video)


1. Unregistered user

By visiting the web page you will see the entire list of wagons that are available for rent. While you are an unregistered user, you can only view the available wagons for rent. You can not place an order until you are connected to the system. To make your first order you must register.


Rental Wagons for unregistered user


2. Registration


By clicking the registration button in the upper right corner of the page, you will open a new page where you can enter your data and become a full-fledged user of our website. In each field, you need to enter your personal and company data. After filling in all the fields, you must read and agree to the privacy policy. Without giving consent, you will not be able to use our website. If you agree to the privacy policy, you can click the register button to complete the registration successfully. If an error is made during registration, the website will inform you. You can join the system with this action.




3. Login


By clicking the Login link in the upper right corner, you will see a page that connects you to the wagon rental platform, where you can place your first order. If you forget your password, you can recover it by clicking the link “Forgot your password?” To recover your password, you must enter your email address and submit it to reset your password. Once you have entered your email, you will receive an email with instructions for password recovery.


Password recovery


4. Wagons


A connected user can order wagons. After logging into the system, you can add wagons to the cart. To find the railcars available for rent, you can use the filters displayed on the left side of the screen. There, you can select the station, date of arrival, body volume, carrying capacity, and model of the car.


5. Inquiry


You can proceed to checkout by clicking on the shopping cart in the top menu. When renting a wagon, you need to choose the departure station, cargo code, price, and currency.


When renting a wagon, you need to choose the departure station, cargo code, price, and currency


6. Offers


When you make an order, you can immediately see it in the “Offers” section. In the beginning, the status of the offer is always “waiting”. Our manager checks your order within an hour and attaches an advance invoice or rejects the offer. The status changes to “Confirmed”.



7. Orders


On the Claims page, the order status is “Waiting for approval” or “Waiting for payment.” Here you can follow the status of the order.




8. Payments


On the Payments page, you can pay the bill. When the transfer is received, the status will change to “Paid”. In the system, an invoice will be attached to the order. You can pay by bank transfer or through “Paysera”.



If you have any questions after reading the manual, please contact our manager at or ask a question in the support system.


9. Watch our video to learn how the system works.